(Recovering from Friday’s post)
What a beautiful way to live:
“Open your heart to all the blessings in the world,
And let them flow through you;
That everyone whom you will meet on this day
Will be blessed by you.
Just by your presence.”
In these moments when the energy in the world seems outrageously destructive, it takes effort to see beauty. But, beauty is always present—if only in a single moment of gratefulness. In every, every! interaction I have with another being, human or more-than-human, I have the opportunity to share it—beauty through gratefulness.
This is a choice—a choice that is always available.
This is my choice to live this way. It is always my choice. Even when I forget, it remains my choice and I, for one, forget way too often.
What say you?
How else will we bring about a world we can be proud of when we hand over the energy of life, our life, to our children and grandchildren?
“We are the one’s we’ve been waiting for.”
“Let the gratefulness overflow into blessing all around you.
Then, it will really be,
A Good Day.”
“There will come a day when our children are truly first, as measured by our love and caring. After harnessing space, the winds, the tides, and gravitation, we shall harness the energy of love. And on that day, for the second time in the history of the world…
…we shall have discovered fire.”
~ Pierre Tielhard de Chardin
Though it all too often goes untapped, there is no greater energy than the power of Love. It feels like we haven’t yet harnessed its full potential. I think once we do, if this is indeed what we want, we’ll know it when we all can feel it. Our lives, then, will become the beautiful our world needs right now.
Is this what we want?
~ k
Namaste all, namaste.
(Today’s “Sunday Short” was inspired by Br. David Steindl-Rast whose words are shared above.)
What beautiful sentiments and good advice. Yes indeed... we do well to find gratitude any way we can.
We are here, with air to breathe and a sun that keeps us warm, on a spinning space rock on which acorns become oaks. Believe in miracles... we live in one.