What started as an invitation to walk along side Dad (Grandpa, Wally) as we joined Souls together on this incredible journey called life, now that it’s included Dad’s death, we continue on….
Dad’s Journey Home is now “Alchemy of a Journey”
“The purpose of our lives is to help others through theirs.”
~ Peter Matthiessen
“We are all just walking each other home.”
~ Ram Das
A journal created from love so that began for all others interested in Dad’s journey so that they may have a place to remain a compassionate presence in his life—and his life and death in yours. Now, upon his death, we turn our intentions toward Dad’s Elderings, the lessons and ingredients from life, from all of life, that we all cook alchemically into the making of our own humble and human lives.
“Today you are as old as you’ve ever been; and as young as you’ll ever be. Which will you focus on? And what are you waiting for?’
Let Life Lead!