your question: “how does it all end? your life, or rather, death?” we are led to believe it’s a mystery: “none shall know the hour nor the day...” but note, that isn’t your question, dear one. and it’s no mystery, at all. we end in just the same way as all those who’ve gone before us. all those. no matter their title, or status, or religion, or accomplishments, or influence, (self-perceived or otherwise) or lack of all of the above. this is why there is no mystery (we just refuse to understand): we end as we have lived. we end as we have lived. when that time comes, and it will come, (inevitable defined), there will be no grand proclamation that you will die in a manner different from who you have been. then, it will be too late to change anything. you will die in the very ordinary of your extraordinary (for i’ve always found you extraordinary). you will die, (we die), in just the same way as all those who’ve gone before. all those. and so my prayer for you, dear one? may your end, your death, be magnificent, be large, be vibrant, be authentic, be honest, be abundant, be peaceful, be love, be beautiful. start now.
T minus four days and counting…
That’s beautiful 😍