the break in the cold on these winter days provides us with the chance to go outside for a spell. it’s been a while as one cannot long tolerate temperatures that freeze things, fingers and noses as well as hearts, on first contact. winter can be a time of such beauty, but we often miss it, thinking that… this winter’s day is too harsh to go outside. thinking that… why risk needless risks on foot, in car, on ice, in snow, of others or my own naive fearlessness. thinking that… i prefer to be where i can make my world what i think it needs to be for my happiness to be. but going outside is where life happens. and it cannot always be sunny-warm, and couch-comfy, with a mug of hot coffee or even iced tea when craved— whether the skies are a clear blue or overcast grey, whether the air a hugging warm or biting cold, whether there is someone out there to love or be loved by, or to hate— where life happens. we have to go outside if we want to live, and we want to live, don’t we? with each other? there can be a break in the cold today. just like every day. the choice of it offers a chance: at possibility. what is possible for us today? dare we brave a cold so cold it might make our hearts brittle? i pray we will. because then, only then, does it become easy to break open hearts made frozen, no matter how they got that way. i pray you do brave the cold outside, it can be beautiful there too. risk the first contact that can shatter a sheltered belief, a “too-cold” heart. afterall, your heart, and your belief, may have frozen solid from staying exactly where you are. go outside and into every human-made winter; there are others out there like you, and not like you, but each, longing. don’t wait for a break that may never come from the cold itself. go outside, risk living the life that is approaching you, just outside the door of your warmth.
~ k
Always and Ubuntu.
Love this Kert ❤️
Megan on her way over this morning with K to do just that - get outside!
Beautiful and inspiring -thank you!