On August 19, he’ll turn 89 years old. And even though I think you should, I’ll bet you have no idea who this guy is:
In the Alchemy of one’s life, some of the richest ingredients can come through the lives of others. We cannot live all experiences ourselves, so it is to our greatest benefit to be curious enough about others, to learn a little about them, and to mine from their lives that which may enrich, motivate, inspire, or ignite passions within ourselves.
Many have served that purpose for me—it is one of the reasons Biography is one of the genres I read from the most. With that inspiration in mind, to enrich my own life, I’ve read from and studied the lives of many Presidents (my most admired being Abraham Lincoln); Supreme Court Justices (one, who lived near me in Yakima County, Washington State, being the iconoclast William O. Douglas—but GO RBG!!!); scientists (Richard Feynman, Albert Einstein, Carl Sagan, and Charles Darwin among them); and so, so many artists, academics, intellectuals, and leaders of various shapes and sizes (Thomas Edison, St. Pope John Paul II, Albert Schweitzer, Jill Ker Conway, Katherine Graham, Sandra Day O’Connor, George Marshall, Maya Angelou, Nelson Mandela, Bishop Desmond Tutu…. And on and on.)
Oh, and THAT guy above. That guy pictured up there. The guy celebrating his 89th solar circumnavigation on August 19–this coming Monday. The guy you likely have never seen before—but I bet he’s done something you might remember or heard/read about yourself. Like, something monumental back in 1993 that up until very recently, allowed us to see most clearly, and for the first time, almost all the way back to the beginning of time itself. But that was only part of his Story (you’ll see in a minute what I did just there!).
I’m a firm believer that if you are going to invest time to read or study something, it damn well better enrich your life in some meaningful way. Because if it enters you, it becomes you. That’s not hyperbole, that’s Alchemy. I can say with complete honesty I would not be who I am today had I not become a reader and lover of books. But THAT’s for another time—this Story is not that story. Yet. (You’ll see again what I did there!).
I grew up in the romantic era of the Apollo space missions. I had to ask my older brother for confirmation if our mom and dad watched, on June 20, 1969, and among the estimated world-wide audience of 650 million people across this pale blue dot, the very first (hu)manned moon landing. I have this vague memory of watching and listening to Walter Cronkhite, holding his breath along with so many other earthlings, as the Eagle landed on Tranquility Base. (For the record, my brother didn’t recollect it, so maybe I’m remembering a YouTube clip of the occurrence—see below: btw, it’s a precious clip if you have 8 minutes and want to relive a time when the world was virtually united in celebrating the feats we humans are (were?) capable of. And it has the very cool, actual CBS simulated modeling of what was broadcast in real time as Armstrong and Aldrin descended.)
So, it won’t be a surprise for you to learn that as I grew up in the 70’s, even on a small farm in rural Toppenish, I harbored grand visions of becoming an astronaut myself. My bike and swingset were my Eagle space capsule. My front yard, the moonscape. I would set up blanket tents in our living room which would be my rocket to the moon as my plastic 49er football helmet became a part of my spacesuit. In short, I became Neil Armstrong.
I didn’t make it to NASA (full disclosure, I still want to be an astronaut when I grow up), but I did get a picture with my younger brother in a replica space capsule when my mom and dad took us to the Pacific Science Center in Seattle when we were a bit older. I also made science, math, and science education (biology, chemistry, physics, geology, ecology, and astronomy) my professional career of choice. And I was enthralled and captivated, (read giddy) to have visited relatively recently the National Air and Space Museum in the other Washington (please do go and visit! All Americans need to visit the only Mecca we have—D.C.! So much history, so much to see and be proud of). Even today, movies that portray space or astronauts will captivate me (among my fave include: The Right Stuff (but read the book first!!!); Apollo 13; The Martian; and Interstellar.)
And I taught space and astronomy to my junior high students which at times culminated with the building of our model rockets that we launched right outside my classroom door on the playing field at Canyon Park.
But THAT guy??? What’s HIS Story?
There have been some humans over the course of time who, most of us can agree, are truly impressive. For various reasons unique to their times and stations in life, some people transcend the course of the ordinary, and make of themselves something special. Most of us can agree that among the impressive, we would include Abraham Lincoln; Nelson Mandela; George Washington; MLK Jr.; Gandhi; Theodore Roosevelt; Eleanor Roosevelt; Rosa Parks; Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse and Geronimo; Leonardo daVinci; Michelangelo; and supply your own names here. These are the famous who became famous not because of the standards of fame we live by today, but because of who they were, what they stood for, and how they lived their lives without the search for celebrity or fame. They were impressive people.
But there are impressive people still among us (there will always be impressive people for reasons we create for ourselves—whether others agree with us or not). And most are not famous or well known at all. Which doesn’t in the least make their story or lives any less impressive.
So let me introduce you (sadly if it is a first introduction, but happily because it’s coming now!) to Story.
Franklin Story Musgrave.
It takes a special kind of human who will strap themselves to essentially a bomb, with tons of highly explosive rocket fuel directly under their space-suited ass, so as to rocket themselves into outer space. My 8 year old self wanted so much to do that! (Okay, sometimes even my present day self—though not on anything Elon Musk built, please!). Story Musgrave was one of those people.
That he was an astronaut alone is impressive. There have been just a few hundred humans who have ventured into low earth orbit—fewer still who have ventured beyond that; and only 12 who have walked on the moon. Story Musgrave didn’t get the chance to walk on the moon as he entered NASA just at the tail end of the Apollo era. But he did log over 1200 hours in space on each of the five space shuttles built—the only person to have flown on all five! But, that’s not the only reason I think him to be impressive.
I first heard of Story during Space Transportation System (STS)-61. You may have heard of STS-61 as it’s rather famous—famous for its mission; it marked a milestone in the human understanding of the Universe.
Quickly, you’ll recall the Hubble Space Telescope—one of the most expensive (at the time) and complex machines to have ever been built that was only going to function in Earth’s orbit. It was sent up into orbit on STS-31. To gain a better “picture” of our Universe, a telescope was needed that got us out of our atmosphere and into the clarity of dark space. Hubble was to serve that purpose. But, when they turned it on and unfurled its solar panels, they discovered, much to NASA’s dismay and embarrassment, that the Hubble was “nearsighted.” A minor flaw in the device’s mirroring system blurred every image it took. But the flaw was fixable. Hubbel needed, essentially, a contact lens! Enter how I came to know Story Musgrave!
I was enthralled with all of the Space Shuttle missions—I remember watching in high school as they showed the very first flight of the shuttle, STS-1; I can still recall exactly where I was, on Jan. 28, 1986, when the Challenger, STS-51, carrying teacher Christa McAuliffe, exploded 73 seconds after its launch; and I remember watching on TV, in real time, when the astronauts aboard STS-61: the mission to fix the Hubble Telescope aboard the Endeavor, led by Story Musgrave, literally grabbed hold of the Hubble telescope, with their gloved hands, and hauled it into Endeavor’s payload bay for repairs.
Just that alone, that Story was the leader of the mission to correct the Hubble’s optics, would have secured his place among the impressives. But Story is MUCH more than that!
Story Musgrave was born on a farm and learned to drive as most farm kids did (including me), before he was 10 years old. That upbringing enamored and furthered his love of machines. He joined the Marines and became a master mechanic and electrical engineer of jet aircraft serving in Korea, Japan, and Hawaii and even aboard naval carriers. He became interested in the NASA program but initially didn’t meet the flight qualifications as a pilot at the time—because he wasn’t a pilot. So Story changed that.
Story is the farthest one can get from complacency.
Story has since amassed over 17,700 hours of pilot flight time in over 160 different types of aircraft; made over 800 parachute jumps—100 of which were experimental in nature involving the study of human dynamics during freefall; became a medical surgeon who actively practiced (“to keep my skills up” he said) while he was an active NASA astronaut; has written or been listed as a co-author of twenty-five scientific papers in the areas of aerospace medicine and physiology, temperature regulation, exercise physiology, and clinical surgery; was a post-doc fellow in the US Air Force; is a certified flight and glider instructor; can fly airline transport flights; has flown on 6 space missions, some still classified under Defense Department orders; was, until John Glenn returned to space later in his life, the oldest human to have gone into orbit (at age 61); and has the following degrees:
-Syracuse University (BS in science and math);
-University of California, Los Angeles (MBA in operations analysis and computer programming);
-Marietta College (BA in chemistry);
-Columbia University (MD—College of Physicians and Surgeons/Emergency Room Surgeon specialist);-Was a National Heart Institute postdoctoral fellow (1966–1967), teaching and researching cardiovascular and exercise physiology;
-University of Kentucky (MS in physiology and biophysics);
-University of Houston (MA in literature).He is a member of Phi Delta Theta, Alpha Kappa Psi, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Beta Gamma Sigma, the Civil Aviation Medical Association, the Flying Physicians Association, the International Academy of Astronautics, the Marine Corps Aviation Association, the National Aeronautic Association, the National Aerospace Education Council, the National Geographic Society, the Navy League, the New York Academy of Sciences, Omicron Delta Kappa, the Soaring Club of Houston, the Soaring Society of America and the United States Parachute Association.
Oh, and he never completed high school. Story Musgrave is the only NASA astronaut without a high school diploma. He does have his GED—which he earned while he was actively serving in the Marine corp.
Story was an accomplished wrestler in high school and an avid runner and health nut; served as “CAPCOM” on two Skylab missions; was instrumental in the development of the EVA (Extra-Vehicular Activity) suits on all shuttle missions; and was a sought-after spokesperson, speaker, and champion of NASA and space flight. With a characteristic Kentuckian drawl, he is among the most eloquent speakers of philosophy and the continued pursuit of space exploration.
Ironically, he hated flying the shuttles and saw them as incredibly dangerous (uh…duh). Even so, he ended up spending over 53 days in space and over 26 hours in an EVA suit outside the shuttle on various missions. One of which supplied Hubble with its contact lenses.
Story retired from NASA in 1997 after a 30 year astronaut career—still without a high school diploma.
(Source: Wikipedia)
Or in other words, Story Musgrave is IMPRESSIVE!
When I learned more about who Story was, he became an incredible inspiration for me. I loved that we shared farm life as children; that we both loved education and the thrill (obsession) of being a lifelong student; that we loved space and astronomy; loved literature, reading, and research; and were, to our own degrees, health nuts. Story Musgrave is impressive—and for me, became an important part of my Alchemy. And next week, he turns 89 years old—a true renaissance man and polymath if there ever was.
The latest information I could find, the most recent on what’s happening in his life included:
“Today, Musgrave is a producer/director of multimedia, a landscape architect, a heavy equipment operator, an innovator with Applied Minds Inc, and a professor of design at Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, CA.” He also managed his own palm tree nursery in Florida, doesn’t own a TV, and still wants to fly in space.
“Story is the kind of person who doesn’t like to waste time. He has made a point of learning continuously. When traveling, he carries several books with him and reads during every spare moment.”
~ from Story: The Way of Water by Anne E. Lenehan
‘The only purpose of life is to learn: meaning of life. People are teachers to others—by purpose. Everyone can offer you something. What mountains are you climbing, and what tools are you using to get there?
~ from Story’s personal journals
So, that’s my Story today. And I am happy to share just a little about him so that he could become even a small part of your story now. That’s what’s supposed to happen when you read—something from the mind of an author enters into your mind to change you just a little, and hopefully for the better (but you are always in control of that!). Perhaps you learned a little bit more about me too—that’s what’s supposed to happen every time I hit “publish.” Otherwise, why the hell write?
Tell me some of the people you admire and I’ll learn by default a little more about you as well. That’s how it works too!
There’s no way in the heavens he visited that Story will read this, but I wish him a happy “human manifestation origination day” anyway. And here’s to his next circumnavigation around our own one and precious star, on the minuscule spaceship we all ride on—our pale blue dot.
Advanced degrees not required.
Live, Laugh, and Love—with Clear Eyes and Full Hearts,
Always and Ubuntu,
~ kert
And with Ahimsa!
“Live in the moment, the past is history, the future is a mystery, the destination is unknown. The journey: live in grace, beauty and perfection and know (faith) that the end will take care of itself.”
~ Story Musgrave
I love biographies and learning of exceptional people. Thanks for bringing Story front and center and teaching me more.
I recognized his name, but not his face or his small s story. Thanks for this, and the book recommendations, Kert. And btw, if you don't already know, the Yakima Valley Museum has a small but interesting exhibit nook about William O. Douglas.