Kert, I love this story. Thanks for sharing it with us. For many years I was one of those people who always saw the bag of shit first, assuming the worst. These past couple of years I have made a concerted effort to make no assumptions - to try and see the world through fresh eyes. Man, it isn't always easy and I appreciate this reminder today. But I can say that doing this has changed a great deal within me. I have a more positive outlook and even when the shit hits the fan in the world, I am able to see the good in people most of the time. We need that now more than ever my friend.

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You are SO right my friend. These times will try our practice and our patience. We have to believe love is stronger than hate. I would love to restack your note—the more examples we have of people mindfully practicing these values increases the vibration of compassion, kindness, and love in our world. Ram Dass also said: “Treat everyone you meet like God in drag.” I don’t believe in the traditional idea of God, but I am coming to believe in Soul and Consciousness (Tao). It’s hard to see the G-Being in some others, but I try.

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Feel free to restack as your heart desires! I am an open book.

I like that saying from Ram Dass. I have heard similar quotes from others including Dorothy Day. It is a great way to approach the world.

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Loved the story!

I print out quotes and stick them anonymously on the inside doors of the bathrooms at work. I change them regularly. Sometimes they disappear and I think they were just what that person needed to hear that day.

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I love this idea Miranda! I'm going to do the same!

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Wonderful! Let's spread the joy!

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When I was principal, I would do similar things. Even write anonymous notes and stick them in my staff’s mailboxes for encouragement and day-brighteners. It’s probably not a surprise to you to know that I was the one who benefitted most from doing those random acts—I loved hearing the positive buzz they generated.

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Delightful story on your reversal of thoughts and judgements…it is so easy to fall into the trap, but with practise we can change .

Thank You Kert

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My fight against cynicism will last the next four years, at least. That’s a whole lotta bags of somethin’.

Thanks Susan.

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Another great post. Thank you.

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"I thought the bag was full of dogshit. Instead, it was full of compassion." — I just had to laugh! I don't think I ever came across a more accurate and straightforward description of a "zen moment" haha :)

Thank you for sharing your story, Kert! It was a great, entertaining, insightful read.

Did you happen to see that bag again on your next walk?

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LOL! You’re the first to ask. And YES, the bag was still there—proving either it’s not cold enough here (yet), or we don’t have anyone in need roaming our neighborhood streets. (Both reasons likely.) That being said, there is something heartwarming about the bag remaining—I know many people have walked past it, as it is on the sidewalk near a busy little shopping area. So it’s been seen. I hope many have actually gone up to it to read the note and then left it intentionally for someone in greater need. A person with less heart or compassion would have simply grabbed the bag and ran without nary a second thought.

So at least there’s that. And that isn’t such a small thing in and of itself.

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It is heartwarming indeed! :) This way more people can reflect, like you did, about such little acts of kindness. And I hope, too, that it is waiting for someone truly in need.

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im still hoping to one day to catch such human leaving a poop bag, pick it up and throw it right back at them 😜

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Me too. And then I want to say: “Oh, I’m sorry to interrupt but you dropped this back there (handing the bag directly to them).” Then I want to say to their dog: “I know your human wants to do the right thing by you, Rover. Good boy!”

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