I love this follow up Ikigai post! Your ikigai are great. What you wrote at the end there reminds me of a book I read last year by Pema Chödrön, How You Live Is How You Die, which was an amazing read. I wrote about that too! 😂 The synchronicity between us is strong! I was very interested to learn you studied five different translations of the Tao Te Ching. Which ones? One of my favourites is by Stephen Mitchell.

And thank you so much for the lovely recommendation and sharing of my post. 😊🙏

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Thank you Amanda! In studying the Tao last year, I followed what Wayne Dyer did during the year he researched and wrote his own interpretation: Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life—I focused on one lesson for four days using different translations to study then wrote in my journal how those lessons applied to me. It was both fun and deeply meaningful. I used that Dyer book along with translations by Derek Lin, Ursala K. LeGuin, and a text from a Lao Tzu organization. I also used “The Sages Tao Te Ching” by William Martin that I LOVE (I read this every year!). I have the Mitchell translation on my list as I’ve heard it rather definitive. BTW: I also love Ani Pema—one of my go to’s is “Comfortable with Uncertainty.”

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I’ve not heard of Wayne Dyer but that sounds like a very interesting exercise. I’ll check out the William Martin book. I keep meaning to read Ursula Le Guin’s version too. Would you recommend it? Taoism teachings have been a real life changer for me. I’m not the person I was!

Here’s what I wrote about the Pema Chödrön book too, which arrived with me when it was meant to.


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I love and resonate with the sentiment you share—that books (people, teachings, experiences) come to us when “they were meant to.” There’s a LOT to be said, right there, in how the Universe works. After having just read the piece you referenced, I’m struck again by the perspectives we share, especially regarding death and grief. I admire your healthy way of living into challenging things like that.

Regarding LeGuin’s Tao…. I’m coming to believe that with every translation and interpretation that comes, more of the Tao is revealed. They aren’t “the way,” but like those mythical fingers pointing to the moon, they all seem to be pointing in the same direction but from different vantage points.

By the by, if you haven’t already, I just discovered a fellow Substacker a few weeks ago who has a focus on Taoism and writes on it in a very accessible and relevant way. Check out “The Chocolate Taoist” by Diamond-Michael Scott. More kindred spirits abound.

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I have come across him on Notes but not read his work yet. Have you found Taoism Reimagined? Very interesting stuff.

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Oh! Just subscribed, thanks! And I see you fixed the tip jar (YAY! That was a fun shout out, thank you!).

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Thank you for your very generous tip! 🙏😊

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I will have to go read your first post on Ikigai, just got acquainted with your Substack. Had to read this one! For me one of my greatest joys is noticing the little things because they are truly huge, from hugs to ladybugs. Of course a good cuppa of tea to start my day.

“…the witness” within…” that so applies to writing haiku. Mental snapshots of moments.

I wrote my first one during lockdown & haven’t stopped.

Noticing the glimmers of life make my day.

Great article!

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Thank you!

Haiku as a life practice is its own deep mediation and reflection upon life, right? Could any of our world leaders genuinely write Haiku? Now? Ever?

But imagine if they did. Would we be here, now?


To write in Haiku

Maybe the highest form of

Compassion. Full Stop.

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Brilliant ku! I can feel the meaning in between the 3 lines and what they hold

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Okay, Imma gonna start calling ‘em Ku too!!!


Known first as Haiku,

These gems of little poems

Talk SMACK! Call ‘em KU!!!

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🤣😂😅 this one also falls in to the senryu form… one of my favs to write

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Ah…i get it now after having just now been enlightened about Yu. I call ‘em Yu now. Share one of yours with me.

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fresh lemonade

mason jar ice cream

the kids come running

This one was picked up by Haiku Girl Summer on Substack recently- inspired by a bowl of Meyer’s lemons on my counter & reading an ice cream recipe 😁🍋🍨

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