Kert, thanks for this enjoyable essay. I, too, claim the moniker of a farm boy, having spent most of my formative years close to Missouri's soil (soul). Many years have passed, but I am still a farm boy despite having traveled the world. I own a small patch of land near my parents' home and hope to build a cabin there someday.

I must say I am more like your dad in that NYC is not for me. I have been there several times, and it is too noisy, crowded, and obnoxious for me! My wife and I had our first date there. We had fun, but it isn't something I feel obliged to do again. My wife loved it, and my daughter wants to move there. Fortunately, there is enough beauty and diverse options in this world for all different tastes.

We did love living in Washington state though. We lived for eight years on the Kitsap penninsula. We would go back there in a heartbeat.

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Glad you had a good visit to NYC. Jennifer and I drove into Brooklyn for a quick visit with a friend while we were staying with her sister in New Jersey last week. The last time I visited the city I fell in love with Central Park as well! In fact, so much so that Jennifer teases me now that I think NYC is a beautiful garden! 😆

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as you mentioned “farm boy” through the essay; i kept remembering the farm boy grocery store we have here in my city. They sell one of the freshest groceries as the name implies “farm boy”

ps; when is the harry potter show happening?

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LOVE IT! Farmer’s Markets are the absolute BEST!

We saw our Broadway play, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child on Thursday. We REALLY enjoyed it—the acting and special effects were top level!

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fantastic. can’t imagine what seeing that in-person would feel like. Experience of a life time.

how long are y’all touring nyc?

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I have similar feelings about NYC (and Vegas) - makes me feel alive to visit but I wouldn’t want to live there. Enjoy your trip!

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Both places are electric! I enjoy Vegas too—in small doses. We don’t gamble which allows us to get outdoors and enjoy more of the city. Even the old town section. We enjoy the shows—saw KA in the front row! Magic!!! And we love the free entertainment one can always find (aka the Bellagio Fountains), the buffets (even me being a vegan!), and lounging by the pools. All that being said, like NYC, it is so appalling at times how we humans participate in such extravagant excess while so many are destitute. The folly of where we place value.

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SIP (mississippi) farm boy heah. So I kno whereforth ya speek. I kno way too much bout HOGS. Gimme dat Quiet, long ass farm road life. If I caint stick mah toes in the MISSISSIPPI RIVER I aint interested, mayne....Was glad 2 go back home wit this 1. Keep slangin em.

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Good read. NYC is great!

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