First off, congratulations on completing the certification to begin the hospice volunteer work ❤️

Of the daily NYT games, I only do Wordle but it has become part of my morning (usually) ritual. C and I have even found a way to wordle at the same time even when we aren’t together (2 1/2 years without a missed day)!

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LOVE IT! Thanks LeAnn! Although I cannot claim a consecutive days run of over 2 1/2 years, last month I did accomplish something on Wordle for the first, and so far only time—getting the word correct with the FIRST guess! As it is, with that dang game, I count myself a success if I can get the word in three or less attempts; and a failure if it takes me four or more. Such is one’s internal competitive nature—yet another thing I’m working on letting go of.

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Congrats Kert! This is fantastic and you are just the person to help walk families through what can be a difficult time, but with you there, I know from experience, it will not be!

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That’s lovely of you to say, Janelle. Thank you.

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Great news that you will continue with your hospice work, congratulations. My secret to keeping an active mind, no IPhone, it works for me. Visiting with Lee & Patty this week.

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