What a powerful video and your words,too, as always!


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And THIS, from you, from Santa Fe!!! Thanks sis! No French needed either.

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Wow! One of your BEST ones yet, Kert. The blog and video left me teary-eyed. No need to apologize for your 'French', brother. Because yes! WTF ARE we doing? I forwarded to my sister and son to read/watch. I so look forward to all your blogs, but this one really got me. Love you, brother.

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Wow! Thanks sis! I ALWAYS am grateful for your words of encouragement--they really do feed my soul. Every day can make me more sad--as those wars, this political campaign, and as hatred, continues. It’s the new and sexy “Reality Show du Jour.” Gratefully, I can hug those next to me, and you!, and if I have enough courage, buy someone a beer with whom I disagree, but have just about everything else that matters in common.

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Oh, lots of french spoken or at least thought 😜

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You’re gonna get me started, aren’t you!!! Thankfully, only Sammy is here right now--and he can’t hear very well anymore.

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Thank you for your passion, Kert. It's sad how few have the broadness of mind to envision a world where war was seen for the atrocity and the sickness it is. Where Peace Departments existed in every government, and received more funding than war departments, because OF COURSE, duh, war is the LAST thing we ever want to see. It would require a psychological and spiritual revolution, but where do those start? In individual minds. Like yours! Thank you, gentle soul.

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Correction—“like ours!” I bask in the abundance of kindred resonance. Thank you Don. “Peace Departments…”. Yes!!! When I become King, because apparently we are getting close to getting rid of this thing called democracy, I’m abolishing Defense Departments. A radical idea—but I’ll blame you AND appoint you as the kingdom’s first Secretary of Peace.

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I accept the appointment, thank you King Kert! 😃😁

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LOL!!! As long as we’re imagining…”I dub thee Secretary. Now, go make Peace happen, dang it. We’ve been waiting for you.”

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Hi Kert, I salute your grandmother proposal! The problem of course is, how to get the grandmothers in to power?

I don't think it's impossible. But I doubt we will get there through the processes of reason alone. It will more likely take some epic calamity to change the way we think about such things.

A key challenge today is that we typically assume that we can keep on doing what we've long been doing, and from that perspective radical ideas seem unnecessary. As soon as a reader identifies a price tag for some radical proposal, their reaction is typically "that will never work". Before large numbers of people will be willing to embrace real change they will probably have to see the alternative as being death.

We can hope that a coming epic calamity will be large enough to wake us up, but not so large as to prevent us from learning and changing.

Should we get lucky, grandmas may indeed some day rule this planet!

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