Thank you for sharing your beautiful poem, Kert. It really resonates with me. We have so many synchronicities - we both shared the same quote about being spiritual beings in recent posts and today I’ve published one called ‘Trusting the path” and this is after we discovered each other in the first place by both writing about ikigai!

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While being far from an Evangelical Christian, Ikigai seems to be expressed fully by Solomon:

Ecclesiastes 12:13. The verse reads: "The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man." It’s a powerful reminder to prioritize reverence for God and faithful obedience. 🙏

I apologize for leaning on AI for my answer; but it thinks so much better than I do. And we all must learn to obey the machines.

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Thanks for your thoughts on ikigai, Charles. That’s not my understanding of it at all! But in the post I wrote about it, I said that as it was a Japanese concept that my Western mind probably hasn't quite grasped it. And the understanding I did get from the book I read about it was that it’s a unique and personal thing for us all.

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Today is the first time I ever read the word ikigai.

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Even the prologue was poetic.

“I don’t see any other reason to be alive than to be kind. All we are really doing is walking each other home.

“We are in the Universe to inhabit the lovely eternity of our Souls and grow real. Our great duty as humans is to sow the seeds of compassion in each other’s hearts.” Now, that's what I call poetry. I'm reposting it.

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You’re making me want to go to Tennessee. My heart sings as to our present relationship—you, Charles, are adding so much value to my life right now. Thank you.

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Thanks for sharing a bit more of yourself, Kert. I love the way you captured Ram Dass "walking each other home" and gave it an additional bump. I think poets write poems for the same reasons painters paint pictures. It's what's inside wanting to take shape and form, to be seen or heard. Remember what Michelangelo said about sculpting, "Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it.” So, you're in good company. Keep up the good work!

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I think that is so correct! Which is why I experience such an effortless, free-flow of words when I’m particularly inspired for one reason or another. It’s like I have to just “get out of the way” so that the words can be captured without my interference—to me, a strong indication of the “statue being there all along.” I’m certain you experience this too.

Ironically, and yet another reason why I think we resonate in this space, I wrote about Michelangelo and his prisoners in stone in connection with my father. I count myself incredibly fortunate to have actually stood in front of some of Il Divino’s work when I travelled in Italy.

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Beautiful prose, dovetailing into a poetry of longing and love. There is a mystical quality to the poem and to its prelude that speaks to generation of seekers. Finding inspiration, the sweet whisperings heard on forest trails serves you well. (If you haven't yet read it, I hope you will read Rilke's "Letters to a Young Poet," or re-read it. So much of what you cover here is in Rilke's message.) I love the raw, vulnerable, reaching quality of the poem. Write on, my friend. Write on . . .

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Well…can you hang around whenever my ego needs a boost? Talk about a wonderful way to wake up and have this response to open! Thanks Stephanie! And yes, Rilke!

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I love it! I try to remember this as a parent - we each need to experience joys and challenges and lessons for ourselves.

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Kert, I'm learning to save your posts for a quiet moment when I have time to ponder your wise words and consider what you offer. It's always worth the wait. I am grateful to have crossed paths with you.

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Well…wow! You have my permission to write me notes like that anytime!!! Thank you Cherie—you know the value and gratitude one can feel for any reader who reads one’s work with sincerity. That’s also why I look forward to your posts—your latest gave me a great idea to take some photos of our own walks around our neighborhood. In thinking about that, I now miss having not done that in the three previous places we’ve been. Flagstaff to Yakima (potentially). Summers will seem familiar but, oh the winters!!!

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Yes, I am also wishing we had taken photos in other neighborhoods as well. And yes, hopefully someday we'll be walking in Yakima. I am mostly ready to be done with the snow, and yet I know how precious it is and will become even more so as time goes by. Walking is one of the times it's easier to Be Here Now as well!

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