This struck a chord on many levels! The first many years of my “retirement” were spent on projects that would lead towards income. From a “health” certification to build a coaching business of sorts to contract work, etc. etc. One day I had a revelation and what I thought I would title a book (lesson not learned lol) called Being is Doing. I’m a daily student with so much growth to look forward to ❤️

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This is great! The tensions are so real—especially for those of us who don’t “look old enough” to retire (whatever THAT’s supposed to look like!). Yet they are also artificial in that they are based on the false premises of what we are told to value.

We’re never too young (or too old for that matter) to simply BE. If a person can pull that off, and still eat, more power to them! THEY are bucking the cultural system of expectation. The second volume of your two-volume best seller would then need to be titled “Being is Not Doing.”

Oh, and it does help to have a spouse who is still earning a wage. THAT or a found winning Lotto ticket.

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